Lab 6: Closed-loop control (PID)

This is my GitHub page, used for showing off cool things.

Lab Objective

In this lab I am implementing a position controller using PID control. The robot will drive towards a wall and stop once it’s 1 foot away, using PID to make this motion as fast as possible.


To send/receive Bluetooth data, I added new commands to the system used in previous labs. Debug data is collected in arrays and sent back in large chunks in string format. On the Python side, sending commands and processing data is mostly the same as in Lab 4.

The new commands added were CONTROL_DISTANCE, which executes the main task, SET_PID_PARAMS, which modifies the PID controller parameters, and WHEEL_SETTINGS, which modifies wheel calibration values used in Lab 5.

Because PID control and sensor usage are complicated, I created custom classes to encapsulate these systems. pid handles PID control, and tof handles the time-of-flight sensor.

SET_PID_PARAMS simply sets the values stored inside pid to the ones supplied over Bluetooth:

// parse values from command
float Kp, Ki, Kd, alpha, setPoint;
if (!(robot_cmd.get_next_value(Kp)
    && robot_cmd.get_next_value(Ki)
    && robot_cmd.get_next_value(Kd)
    && robot_cmd.get_next_value(alpha)
    && robot_cmd.get_next_value(setPoint)))
// set internal values
pid.setValues(Kp, Ki, Kd, alpha, setPoint);

These values are used inside of the pid.step() function, which updates the pid object’s stored integrator and derivative values, and calculates a new control variable value, which pid.PID() returns:

void step(float currentMeasurement, float dt) {
    // update history
    nPoints += 1;
    yPrev2 = yPrev1;
    yPrev1 = currentMeasurement;
    // calculate error
    e = setPoint - currentMeasurement;
    // add error to integrator
    I += e * dt;
    // calculate derivative
    if (nPoints < 2) {
        dF = 0.0; // too few points to estimate derivative
    } else {
        float d = -(yPrev1 - yPrev2) / dt;
        dF = alpha * d + (1.0 - alpha) * dF; // low-pass filter
    controlVariable = Kp * e + Ki * I + Kd * dF; // PID formula

float PID() {
    return controlVariable;

The tof object handles TOF sensor initialization and usage. The tof.getDistance() method checks if a new sensor reading is available, and if not, returns the latest reading immediately:

int getDistance() {
    if (sensor.checkForDataReady()) {
        distance = sensor.getDistance();
    } // if not ready, don't wait, just return the latest reading
    return distance;

Both tof and pid are used inside CONTROL_DISTANCE, which powers the wheels using the PID controller for a given time interval, and is implemented as follows:

// parse command arguments
int timeLimit;
if (!(robot_cmd.get_next_value(timeLimit))) return;
// initialize
pid.resetFields(); // resets integrator and derivative
int numData = 0;
// gather data until time limit is exceeded
long currentTime = millis();
long endTime = currentTime + timeLimit;
while (currentTime < endTime) {
    // get latest distance reading
    int distance = tof.getDistance();
    // update time variables
    long previousTime = currentTime;
    currentTime = millis();
    long dt = currentTime - previousTime;
    // update PID controller with new distance and time, and retrieve value
    pid.step(distance, dt * 0.001);
    float value = pid.PID();
    // store debug data
    times[numData] = (int)(currentTime - startTime);
    distances[numData] = distance;
    values[numData++] = value;
    // power wheels
stopAllWheels(); // stop the robot once we've stopped using PID control
// send all the data we've stored
for (int i = 0; i < numData; i++) {
    // write stuff to estring...
    estring.append( /* ... */ );
    // send a string
    if (i == numData - 1 || estring.get_length() >= 120) { 

Starting Values

The motor input values range from -255 to 255, and the TOF sensor can give readings up to 4000 mm (4 meters). So, a reasonable starting value for \(K_p\) is \(255 / 4000 \approx 0.06\).

Initially I chose \(K_p = 0.1\), \(K_i = 0\), and \(K_d = 0\). This made the robot move closer to the wall, but led to oscillation:

Plotting the distance and PID value over time, we can see the oscillation clearly. We also see that the sensor only reads a new value 11 times per second, as shown by the many flat regions in the graph.

To eliminate the oscillation I tried decreasing \(K_p\) and increasing \(K_i\) for better speed. However, the integrator value was causing the robot to keep moving after reaching the set-point, so I decided to implement wind-up protection before moving further.

Wind-up Protection (5000-level task)

I implemented wind-up protection in two parts. Firstly, I clamp the integrator by not incrementing I if the control variable exceeds the maximum motor input value. Second, if the distance measurement error is close to 0, or changed sign since the last measurement, I is reset:

// ... (inside pid.step)
// add error to integrator, but only if not saturated
if (controlVariable < maxOutput && e > 0
    || controlVariable > -maxOutput && e < 0) {
    I += e * dt;
// zero-out the integrator if error is 0 or crosses 0
if (abs(e) <= almostZero || SIGN(e) != SIGN(setPoint - yPrev2)) {
    I = 0.0;
// ...

This was necessary to prevent the integrator from causing excess overshoot, and allows us to set \(K_i\) to higher values without worry.

TOF Settings

To ensure accurate readings, I used setDistanceModeLong() to set the TOF sensor’s range up to 4 meters. To fix the sensor’s slow readings, I used setTimingBudgetInMs() and setIntermeasurementPeriod() to decrease the time between samples from 100 ms to 33 ms, the minimum which can be used in long-distance mode.

According to the documentation, this timing budget decreases the max range from 4 meters to 3.1 meters, and increases error by a millimeter, but I decided this isn’t a big deal, and it’s worth it to get faster sampling.

PID Parameters

After lots of parameter tuning, I ended up with these values:

\[\begin{aligned} K_p &= 0.18 \\ K_i &= 0.12 \\ K_d &= 0.15 \end{aligned}\]

To make the derivative estimate work properly, I got rid of the 20ms delay in the PID control loop and made the loop wait for readings from the TOF sensor. This ensured that the derivative wouldn’t jump between 0 and a non-zero value.

I also set alpha to 0.08 and maxSpeed to 250, and decreased power to the left wheel by 10% relative to the right wheel.


Here is the robot driving towards a wall:

A graph of the TOF distance and motor input during this run:

By taking the time derivative of the distance reading, I can estimate that the robot had a top speed of 2 meters/second:

Driving towards a bin:

Driving on carpet:

The robot sometimes slides and has a tendency to rotate while braking, but still manages to stop roughly 1 foot away from the wall in every situation.

For this assignment I referenced Krithik’s solution from last year for how he encapsulated sensors into classes, and got help from Tobi on implementation details.